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Mango Panna (quick & best desert for big parties)
Maharashtrian,South Indian,Veggie
1 raw mango
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp saffron strands
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1 tiny bit nutmeg
Peel and chop mango into chunks.
In a pan, put mango, sugar and nutmeg.
Boil till the mango is soft. Cool.
Blend in mixie till smooth. Sieve.
Add cardamom, saffron and bring to boil, stirring continuously.
Take off heat. Cool.
As and when required add a tbsp or more to a glass of chilled
water and mix with an eggbeater,
to froth.
The pulp may be stored in the freezer for over a month.

Note: In the same way, you can make panna of canalop...(Saffron is optional)