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Fried Idli
chutney or tomato sauce
Roopa Mahishi
Appetizer,Karnataka,South Indian,Veggie
1) Idli batter ( to make about 8 Idlies)
2) Small Onion - 1
3) Tomato - 1
4) Capsicum -1/2
5) Green chillies - 2-3
6) Cilantro cut  
7) Dhaniya & Jeera Powder - 1 tbsp
8) Garam Masala - 1 tbsp
9) Red chilli powder- 1/2 tbsp;
10) Pinch of turmeric + mustard seeds
11) Oil to fry 
12) Tomato ketchup

1.Do the Idli as you normally do it using Idli batter.
Cut each Idli into 4 pieces.
2.Deep fry the Idli pieces in a pan till idlies turn golden 
3.Cut onions, chillies, capsicum,tomatoes into small pieces.
4.Put 2-3 tbsp oil in a pan, add mustard seeds and allow it to
5.Add onions and fry for 1 minutes.
6.Add capsicum and fry for 1 minute.
7.Add tomatoes and cook till oil separates.
8.Add chilli powder, turmeric powder, dhania jeera,garam masala
and salt, stir for 1 min
9.Add fried idli pieces and cook for 2-3 mins on a low flame.
10.Add tomato ketchup, stir well and cook for 1min.
11.Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serve with coconut chutney or
tomato ketchup. 
12) Serve when hot.