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Fresh Fruit Trifle
whipped cream
Custard 200 gms
Whipped cream 250 gms
Cake slice 6 nos.
Sugar Syrup (130ml + 50ml sugar) 150 ml
Mixed fruit, diced 350 gms
Mixed fruit jam 200 gms
- Mix cold custard with 3 Tbsp whipped cream.
- Cut the cake into slices.
- Smoothen the jam & make a pipe.
- Using the jam piping put strands of jam on the walls of a bowl.
- Put a layer of cake slice, brush some sugar syrup on the sponge.
- Now put some custard cream and smoothen it with a palate knife
and spread the diced fruit all over.
- With the piping put jam all around the circumference of the bowl.
- Once again put cake dices and wet them with sugar syrup
followed by custard, cream and diced fruit.
- Again put a piping of jam all around the bowl.
- Once again put cake dices and wet them with sugar syrup
followed by custard, cream and diced fruit.
- Top with whipped cream and decorate with jam piping and whipped
- Serve chilled.