Discover India in your town


Who are we


     Most of us wish, if there was a consolidated source of local information related to our people, events, and activities in the surrounding areas. We all want to enjoy, participate, and remember our festivals, our heritage, and our colorful community. Hence, we thought of consolidating all the information and make it available online on Localfiles.

The contents of Localfiles are narrowed for a particular city. The Localfiles for individual city is administered by Localfiles representative in that particular city. The Localfiles administrators are local to a particular to the city and thus are well informed of the facts of the people of India in that particular city.

We, the Localfiles team, with your help, will try to make this site very informative and useful. Our goal is to provide a one-stop for all your information needs that relate to India in your town. Please feel free to drop in suggestions or comments. Your feedback is very important to make this site a dynamic and powerful source of information.

We are expanding Localfiles to other cities. If you want to launch localfiles in your town/city, please Contact Us with your contact details and we will work with you to launch the Localfiles in your City.


Thank you for visiting us.