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Mien chow Soup
1 floret cauliflower, 2 leaves of cabbage,1 small carrot peeled
1 corn cob boiled,1 onion,1 tiny sprig spring onion,1 sprig 
mint leaves chopped fine,1 tsp. coriander chopped fine,1 tsp. 
soya sauce,1 small dry red chilli crushed,salt to taste
pepper to taste,2 tsp. cornflour,1/2 tbsp. butter,3 cups water 
of vegetable stock.
Chop vegetables very fine. Remove kernel of corn.
Heat butter to melt in a heavy pan. Add vegetables and stir fry 
till tender.Add 3 cups water, bring to a boil. Make paste of 
cornflour in 1/4 cup water.Add to soup, stirring continuously 
till it reboils. Add soya sauce, chilli, salt, pepper,
coriander, mint.Stir and simmer till soup thickens. Serve hot 
with chillies in vinegar and garlic sauce.