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Vital Force Consulting Homeopathy, Health, Healing
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Chronic illnesses, women and children
Homeopathic Doctor practicing for 34 years.
Weekdays: 9 am to 2 pm by appointments only
Sujata Owens CCH, RS Hom (NA), DHMS(India), B.Sc.(India)Homeopathic Master Clinician 507 645 4329
From twin cities, take Interstate 35 to MN 19 East to Northfield. My office is downtown Northfield, on 2nd floor. It is the corner building of Fifth Street and Division Street. The entry to the office door is through a alleyway next to Lampe Law Building. Take the staircase going up to the deck and enter the building door. Vital Force Consulting office is the first door on the left once you enter through the building door. It does not have elevator or handicap access.
Are you ready to live a Natural life full of Energy, Vitality and
Freedom from Disease?

If you are ready, please visit my website where you can get
better understanding of how to achieve the optimum health with
Homeopathy. Homeopathy, an alternative medicine for the 21st
century, is the humane and scientific approach to achieving a
healthy mind and body. Homeopathy focuses on the interactions and
interconnections of the mind, body, emotions and behavioral
systems. It enables you to take charge of your emotional, mental,
and social factors as you experience improvement in your health.
It is an approach that respects and enhances your capacity for
self-knowledge and self-care, and it emphasizes restoring balance
in a natural and gentle way.